Let-To-Buy Mortgage

The Let-to-Buy mortgage process has become increasingly popular for homeowners who have outgrown their existing home.

Finding the right mortgage

Let-To-Buy Mortgage

The Let-to-Buy mortgage process has become increasingly popular for homeowners who have outgrown their existing home.

What is a let-to-buy mortgage? If you need to move, but you’re struggling to sell your home, or you want to keep your property as an investment, the let-to-buy mortgage process can offer a solution. Let-to-buy involves having two mortgages, a residential mortgage on a property you’re moving to and a buy-to-let mortgage on your previous home so you can rent it out. You are renting out your current home so that you may buy a new one.

Unfortunately, you cannot simply rent your existing home as you may be in breach of your mortgage conditions. It is vital to convert the mortgage, either by remortgaging to a buy-to-let product or attaining consent to let from the lender (which depends on the lenders’ policies). At Marigold Financial, we can help by searching through a variety of let-to-buy mortgage providers, walking you through the entirety of the process. 

How We Help

Whether it is out of desire or need, unlocking the equity within your home is usually the key to your ability to fund the ongoing property purchase. The process to establish if this is an appropriate course of action includes:

  • Undertaking a financial assessment for your ongoing purchase.
  • Assessing the eligibility of the existing home in becoming a BTL property.
  • Establishing your ability to accept the challenges of becoming a landlord.  

Having a buy-to-let property, and its associated mortgage, can be a very daunting prospect. The thought of having two mortgages to maintain is understandably worrying, but with the proper precautions, it can be lucrative for you and future generations too. We will utilise our 40 years of combined property industry experience to advise on ways to mitigate possible complications. 

There are many moving parts with any let-to-buy mortgage, such as two lenders, conveyancers, estate agents, and surveyors. There will invariably be bumps and complications with each application, and using a mortgage broker is strongly recommended in this circumstance. Marigold Finance can help – give us a call to discuss your case in more detail.  

How You Can Help

You can help the mortgage process run smoothly by being organised. We will need some essential information such as income, identity and deposit, and most importantly, you must ensure that you have the correct documents to evidence these basic requirements. These must be kept up to date with us until the purchase is complete.  


As mortgage and protection specialists, we are happy to speak to you about protection requirements to ensure that you can protect your hard-earned property against unforeseen circumstances. 

Buy-to-Let Mortgage

Seasoned investor or an accidental landlord, we will source the right product for you.

Life Insurance

Minimise the financial impact of your passing by obtaining an appropriate life insurance policy.

Let-to-Buy Mortgage

Outgrown your existing property? We can help to keep your existing home and buy a new one.

Income Protection

Want to protect your income? We can advise on policies that guard against accidents and illnesses.

We can also help with

Other Services

Let-to-Buy mortgage is only one aspect which we can help with. There are other alternatives and complimentary services that we offer, which may of interest. Below are is a small list of what we offer.

If you would like more information, do not hesitate to contact us using the link below.



Some buy to let mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

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